Barnet council workers are on strike today and tomorrow against that hopeless council’s plans to outsource even more services.
Not content with the disastrous privatisation of services for disabled adults – those services were placed in the failed Your Choice Barnet trading company several years ago – the council now has plans to privatise the Education and Skills and School Meals services, the Library Service, Early Years: Children’s Centres and Street Scene Services. (Here’s a list of services threatened by outsourcing and a list of services that have already been outsourced. You can also sign the petition against further privatisation).
There is a full list of pickets for today and tomorrow and contact information for picket co-ordinators here.
Some tweets and pictures from the strikes that are underway today:
— barnet_unison (@barnet_unison) April 30, 2015
— barnet_unison (@barnet_unison) April 30, 2015
Follow @barnet_unison and #BarnetStrikes for updates today and tomorrow.
Er I read somewhere that libraries in Barnet were being sold for Starbuck coffee shops?
The whole council has been privatised to Capitas, I thought.
Entire social housing estates in Barnet or nearby have been sold to private developers to build luxury flats, evicting all the social tenants and rehousing them as far north as Birmingham, so losing their jobs in London.
UNISON had the opportunity to fund equally with Labour, campaign funds for TUSC – a party full of the sacked from Labour party for voting against austerity cuts always when councillors, and with individual union officials running as candidates.
None of the voting areas around Barnet have TUSC or Class War as alternatives as a result on Thursday 7 May.
The people of Barnet just like everywhere, face nil state pension from all the parties asking for your votes on Thursday 7 May.
See why at the end of my petition, in my Why is this important section, at:
I have given up trying to talk about the alternative parties, facing a total media blackout, as it just gets me banned from blogs.