New podcast: housing, autism and unbelievably bad councils. Oh yes.

Welcome to my new podcast.

I’m working on the podcast for the next few months, so probably best to head over there for interviews with people with housing and benefit issues.

There will be a proper launch in the New Year 🎊. Am putting up a few episodes here before then. 

The podcast is called Who Voted For This, because that is what I think when I muse on the state of housing, benefits, homelessness, disability support and social security in general.

It’s is also what I think when I listen to the asinine politicians who’ve orchestrated the whole wreck and can’t see a support service without wanting to trash it.

These are the first two in a series of episodes which feature interviews with parents of children who have autism. All of these families have housing problems.

They also all have very unhelpful councils. Am much enjoying getting stuck into those clowns, because my word am I over decades of excuses and inaction from councils. Hope you enjoy that part of things as well.